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About the Department

In 1901, Babu Indubhusan Brahmachari initiated the formation of the Department of Philosophy in the erstwhile Cotton College. Since then, the department has been adorned by great teachers who contributed to the accomplishment of a large number of first class degree holders and have shaped some eminent scholars in the field. Initially, the department concentrated on undergraduate programmes, with the addition of the Master's programme in 1992 and the subsequent incorporation of the Ph.D programme in 2017. The department stands as one of the major platforms for understanding and research for the philosophy community of North-East India.

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Head of the Department

Recent Publications

  • Sima Baruah, Unveiling the Past: Exploring Social and Religious Practices of Early North-Eastern India and their Interactions with Vedic Religion , Humanities and Social Science Studies , vol.12, 11-19, [2023]

  • Sima Baruah, Concept of Law of Karma (Karmavada) with reference to Bhagavadgita, Jijnasa , 98-112, [2017]

  • Sima Baruah, Srimad Bhagavad Gita's Approach Towards Holistic Education, PRAG CONSILIENCE , [2016]

  • Sima Baruah, Concept of Karmayoga in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Prācῑ , vol.5, 105-111, [2016]

  • Sima Baruah, Logical Atomism with special reference to Bertrand Russell, Trends in Analytic Philosophy: Western and Indian Perspectives , [2014]

  • Sima Baruah, Jean Paul Sartre, Existentialism and Bad faith, ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal , vol.3, [2013]

  • Sima Baruah, Punishment, An analysis about its justifiability, Social Change and Development in India , [2013]

  • Sima Baruah, What Makes Gandhi a Mahatma?, LOKĀYATA: Journal of Positive Philosophy , vol.3, 53-59, [2013]

  • Sima Baruah, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Caste System and Gandhi’s Untouchability, Pramāna , 22-26, [2012]

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Scholarly Resources

  • Publications 9
  • Conference/In Proceedings
  • Book/Book Chapter