
1. Sima Baruah, Unveiling the Past: Exploring Social and Religious Practices of Early North-Eastern India and their Interactions with Vedic Religion , Humanities and Social Science Studies , vol.12, 11-19, [2023]
2. Sima Baruah, Concept of Law of Karma (Karmavada) with reference to Bhagavadgita, Jijnasa , 98-112, [2017]
3. Sima Baruah, Srimad Bhagavad Gita's Approach Towards Holistic Education, PRAG CONSILIENCE , [2016]
4. Sima Baruah, Concept of Karmayoga in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Prācῑ , vol.5, 105-111, [2016]
5. Sima Baruah, Logical Atomism with special reference to Bertrand Russell, Trends in Analytic Philosophy: Western and Indian Perspectives , [2014]
6. Sima Baruah, Jean Paul Sartre, Existentialism and Bad faith, ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal , vol.3, [2013]
7. Sima Baruah, Punishment, An analysis about its justifiability, Social Change and Development in India , [2013]
8. Sima Baruah, What Makes Gandhi a Mahatma?, LOKĀYATA: Journal of Positive Philosophy , vol.3, 53-59, [2013]
9. Sima Baruah, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Caste System and Gandhi’s Untouchability, Pramāna , 22-26, [2012]